Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to get rid of acne fast and acne scars and laser acne scar removal cost

Whiteheads happen when the pore is blocked, trapping oil, bacteria and dead skin cells within. This causes the white appearance on the surface of the skin. Using a product with benzoyl peroxide works great at diminishing this type of acne although a few days may be needed before the whitehead completely disappears.
Studies have shown that that the body produces an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1, when one eats refined carbohydrates and sugars. This in turn makes the body produce excess androgens. It has been found that the onset of acne has been associated these males hormones.
Tip: Lemon juice helps alot when coming to blemishes and pimples just apply with a cotton wool on the deserted area, leave on 15 mins and then rinse.
tags: acne scar treatment, acne scar remove with lemon, how to remove acne scarring permanently

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