Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne and black head causes and best skin care products for acne

Cystic acne is an illness. It is the result of an plague down in the skin pore. The pore fills with pus andTurnbombastic, which then Turnnoticeable as a cyst on the skins surface. They are usually red in color and often have a white center where the sinus is noticeable.
Don't touch your pimples! I am sure you have all heard this one before but here is why you shouldn't. As mentioned in previous posts, acne on the skin is based bacteria and infection. Touching affected areas spreads bacteria and infection to the surrounding areas. Additionally, our hands come into contact with hundreds of different objects every day. Door handles, keyboards, tables, cars, floors, plants, etc. All of which hundreds of other people have touched and which have probably not been cleaned for many months (if ever). Bacteria and/or dirt cover the majority of these objects and until you wash your hands, you will spread both over anything you touch. So why touch an area that is bad enough to have acne and make it worse?
By the time you hit puberty, it may seem like all you hear about it is hormones and how they are to blame for every problem you have, from shyness and how they're to blame for every problem you have, from shyness to a low paying job to acne. In the case of acne, what people are telling you is the truth. Hormones are to blame. Hormones are actually the chemical messengers that provide the signals that regulate many of your body's functions and that are responsible for bringing your acne to the forefront.
tags: pregnancy fighting acne, murad moisturizing acne treatment gel, can birth control pills help acne

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