Thursday, October 2, 2008

Argan oil and acne

« ...Holding the gauze pads on both index fingers (Step , gently but confidently squeeze the pimple from the sides. Use a downward and inward motion. Repeat until the pus is completely gone....
...The first step in treating your acne is to determine whether you need an acne cream treatment, an intense treatment or other type of treatment. You may not even need an acne treatment at all. You see, many cases of acne are best fought with better hygiene and an understanding of what causes acne. By simply cleansing your skin in the correct way, you can eliminate or reduce most acne conditions. If you do this and you still have acne, you probably need an acne medication....»
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«...It is an effective drug to deal with severe forms of acne. However, this drug should be taken with care as it causes several side effects such as problems in liver and the pregnancy period....»
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tags: what's a good face wash for acne, birth control pills info acne, does micro dermabrasion work for acne

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